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“Campo Aperto” is the site-specific project that finds its home in Campo XS. Winner of the "Partecipazione al Centro" tender promoted by the Compagnia San Paolo Foundation , it is coordinated by the board made up of campo xs, the curatorial collective Mixta, the curator Anna Daneri, the pinksummer gallery and the cultural producer Carlo Antonelli . “Campo Aperto” is a series of four exhibition moments for artist3 and curator3 in close relation with the characteristics of the host neighborhood, which will be activated in autumn 2024 and will end in autumn 2025. “Campo Aperto” is a project that opens doors to the reflection on the relationship between the power of the arts and social change, in its activation of collaboration circuits and job placement within the third sector.

In fact, it is planned, through collaboration with the Diocesan Council, to offer people leaving the protection paths the possibility of participating in the project through paid internships to collaborate in the preparation of the exhibition projects and in the protection of the space during the opening of the exhibitions.


This is a call addressed to curators and artist/collectives who operate in the fields of visual, performing arts, new media, installation, and workshop formats, who intend to present their exhibition project in a free and effective way, fully utilizing the potential that space offers.

The submission of site-specific exhibition proposals for the peculiar space of Campo XS is requested.


Participation is free and there are no age or experience limits. To present your exhibition project, send an email with the subject "CAMPOAPERTO_24" to attaching the following files:


  • Portfolio and CV of curator and artist/collectives in pdf format.

  • Project description/statement (max 1 folder).

  • sketch/render of the exhibition project (multiple images accepted, in a single PDF).

  • Application form signed by curator and artist.



We require the postal sending of a 'Thought Map' which illustrates the project idea in free form, subject " CAMPO APERTO + PROJECT NAME ". To be delivered to Pinksummer, Palazzo Ducale, Piazza Matteotti, Cortile Maggiore, 28R, 16123 Genova GE . The deadline refers to the date of sending the material. The thought map will be the free interpretation of the space plan in 40x40 cm format and must also be anticipated digitally together with the material sent via email.


For the realization of each selected project, the organization provides a total budget of €2,500 , including production, set-up, travel, accommodation and transport.


  • physical presence during the inspection

  • physical presence during the set-up (2/3 days, before the opening)


00.00 on 30 JUNE 2024

Campo Aperto collaborates with the Associazione Consulta Diocesana for activities in favor of minors and families. Onlus for the activation of workshops for newly-adults who live outside their family of origin; with the Wanda ETS Cultural Association for communication, with Studio Sirotti for the installations, Studio Florìda for technical support; Sigma Innovative Start Up for measuring social impact. It has the support of the Compagnia di SanPaolo Foundation as part of the mission "Promote active participation" , and of the Friends of Genoa Foundation .

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